Friday, 28 August 2009

Twenty-Second Night

Corblimey, eh? 22? Blige.

Today was busy, busy, busy. Managed a 7-8 mile run this morning, which, since it was through some pretty dodgy areas, I reckon counts for double mileage when you factor in the adrenalin.

Did a guest spot at a venue called The Grape, with Katerina Vrana.

Bloody hell. Tough venue! Adjoining a noisy restaurant, in what looks like an old bank, with reverby high ceilings. Argh, argh, argh... I don't think I could do a month in a venue like that. Anyway. I read them a little erotic fiction and they seemed happy enough.

Numbers are still low in the audiences, but only comparitively. 20 in tonight - but compare it to the poor darlings at the Pink Bus who cancelled their 9.30 show this evening.

I totally do not buy the whole "audience numbers are up on last year" story. You have only to spend half an hour flyering (or six, in mum and dad's case) to see there are fewer punters about.

I think there are the same number of 'hardcore' festivalgoers, who buy the premium tickets and see the prestige shows. But there are far fewer of the 'chancer' festivalgoers who'll have a flutter with the odd fiver on an unproven performer's show.

Recruited two little flyerers today - Jen and Fiona. Bless 'em. They are splendidly enthusiastic. Ah, youth...


And we have had pizza and ice cream. I didn't run through the fucking ghetto for nothing, you know.



  1. HEY JAKE!

    Thought I'd comment, I was at the afternoon show today. Thought you were ace! Really made my day, even though I'm one of them "chancer festivalgoes" I would have loved to come to the evening show, but already had plans for the evening. Bummer.

    I've been reading though your blogs, they're all pretty funny too. Maybe you should become a writer.. but like.. non-fictional writing. The fiction stuff is best kept for personal hobbies, if you know what I mean.. :P

    Anyway, was really great to come see you! Thanks for a really great afternoon.

    Claire Xx
    The girl you nearly picked on. ;)

  2. Hi Jake =)

    I was looking at the times you do your show on the Fringe website, and I noticed you do a show this Sunday, and decided to buy tickets =) So me and Claire will be coming tomorrow, hopefully it'll be good!

    The boy you nearly picked on =P
